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Increase Productivity, Inspire Collaboration  Connection Growth

With no-code workspace designer and Microsoft Viva Connections integration, ExpresDUO boosts org-wide collaboration and productivity.

Introducing ExpresDUO

Use ExpresDUO’s powerful customization and personalization features to build your brand from the inside out.

Take Efficiency to the Next Level

Let ExpresDUO transform your workplace collaboration.

Go Beyond the Intranet

Extend the reach of Viva Connections. Give your employees a more collaborative and branded experience by bridging your business SharePoint sites, Microsoft Lists, and business process through an ExpresDUO workspace

Streamline Collaboration

No more juggling multiple communication apps at work. Get SharePoint and Teams integration, plus expanded Viva Connections customization options.

No Code, No Hassle

Don’t know how to code? No problem! With the ExpressDUO Workspace Designer, your company builds its own line of custom applications from SharePoint in Teams or brings your favorite SharePoint site or Lists into your Teams catalogue.

Helps Your Business Scale

Get to know the ExpresDUO product. Start today with a free 12-month trial with our Basic Edition. Build ExpresDUO and Viva Connection workspaces with the Standard Edition. Go with our Pro Edition to build more workspaces and do more.

ExpresDUO Basic

Free No Code, No Hassle
  • $2,280 Billed Anually
  • ExpresDUO, Plus Viva Connections
  • 2 Workspace Designs
  • Unlimited Users Guided Mode
  • One-Click Provisioning
  • Mobile & Tablet Ready
  • Support & Maintenance

ExpresDUO Standard

$ 190
  • $2,280 Billed Anually
  • ExpresDUO, Plus Viva Connections
  • 2 Workspace Designs
  • Unlimited Users Guided Mode
  • One-Click Provisioning
  • Mobile & Tablet Ready
  • Support & Maintenance

ExpresDUO Pro

$ 490
  • $2,280 Billed Anually
  • ExpresDUO, Plus Viva Connections
  • 2 Workspace Designs
  • Unlimited Users Guided Mode
  • One-Click Provisioning
  • Mobile & Tablet Ready
  • Support & Maintenance

ExpresDUO Enterprise

Contact Us Schedule a meeting
  • $2,280 Billed Anually
  • ExpresDUO, Plus Viva Connections
  • 2 Workspace Designs
  • Unlimited Users Guided Mode
  • One-Click Provisioning
  • Mobile & Tablet Ready
  • Support & Maintenance

An All-In-One Solution Built for Teams

ExpresDUO promotes collaboration across today’s digitally connected and distributed workforce. ExpresDUO combines the power of Viva Connections, Teams and SharePoint sites to help Microsoft 365 users do their jobs effectively and collaborate with their workgroups more productively.

Wait. What is WordPress?

Far far away, behind the word Mountains far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmark

How long do I get support?

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line

Do I need to renew my license?

Marks and devious Semikoli but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.